Season of Work

August 9, 2015 § Leave a comment

It’s been so long since I’ve logged in here, it took a beat or two to remember my password. But truthfully I sometimes forget passwords to sites I log into everyday. There are so many to remember.

I have watched summer creep by mostly in a work-induced haze these past two months. In mid-May, 8 people at my company were laid off, creating quite the situation for those left without jobs and those of us left to continue to do the work. In our busiest season. When everyone takes vacation. And the deadlines I was responsible for doubled, or tripled. It has been no small miracle that books have still gotten to production on time and that, while it felt like it, I didn’t work any 50- or 60-hour weeks. Just a couple of 10-hour days. I am so proud to work with the people I work with. We all were in the same boat, and we helped each other row, or bail out, as the case required. We have laughed to keep from crying or pretended to politely ignore the tears.

I miss our coworker friends who have moved on, just about every day, and we all await news that they’ve all found new positions, which has been slow in coming. (Though just last week one of the designers did get a full-time job!) I am grateful to still have work, still have income, still be able to pay my rent. If previous jobs have taught me anything, I hope it’s to not let the stress build, to not “take it home with you,” and I think, praise God, I’ve been able to successfully do that lately. My mental state is unfettered by concerns about work when I leave, though my physical state may bear the toll of sitting at a computer for too long. Office-chair butt seems to develop overnight! I do feel tired most days and pretty drained in the brain and long for days that aren’t so go-go-go from moment to moment.  Just this week, after two big book projects went to the printer, I felt a relief, that maybe a brief reprieve was coming. A glance at my upcoming schedules revealed that may not be the case, but at least the beginning of a book’s journey to print isn’t as intense as the final stages.

Thankfully, a long awaited trip to visit family in Portland, Oregon is upon us and from Thursday to Monday I’ll be traveling with my mom and Grannie to that beautiful city. I look forward to delicious eating, welcome relaxing, spur-of-the-moment exploring, and less sweating.

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