The Squint

July 16, 2014 § Leave a comment


Mine Own Kitteh

March 13, 2012 § Leave a comment

This is Maisy. Or, depending on the day and my mood: Maisy-boo, Silly Billy, Bunny, Funny Bunny, Maisy Crockett, Maisy Daisy, Maiz-ster…I’ll stop before I embarrass myself. (“Not knowing when to quit!” “Yep, that’s my thing.” Any “Friends” devotees out there?)

Putting my obvious tendency to grow overly mushy about my feline aside, you have to admit; she’s pretty purty. And, when she’s sleeping she’s not harassing me for food, randomly biting anything that moves, or tearing around the room like it’s a racetrack and not barely large enough to fit my bed. Ah, love.

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