Growing Things

March 18, 2015 § Leave a comment

It’s finally here. It has sprung. Spring has arrived! I’ve got the fever. I just want to relish in these cool days and pale lavender-periwinkle skies. The hues of green popping up everywhere make me giddy. The empty pots on my porch called out to me this week, and I just had to answer. Just a little bit of green growing things so far, but I’m sure I’ll add more. The deliciousness of the weather inspired me to run out on my lunch breaks to find something to nurture. To quote Jane Austen (of course) via her character Fanny Price in Mansfield Park: “to sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment.” It’s such a surprise and delight to watch the changes each new season brings. Slowly the yellow forsythia peeks out, tentatively the magnolia tree buds, and suddenly branches that were bare and gray bring forth newness and color. The ebb of winter into spring brings both into a starker contrast; the limbs of trees look more sculptural as their backdrop fills in its variety of spring hues. There is a gratitude for this reliability that I feel right now. To be comfortable out of doors again, to free my feet from their socked-in prisons, to enjoy the light each night a little bit longer, I am thankful for these small gifts.

Mint and basil

Mint and basil

Purple shamrocks

Purple shamrocks

Pineapple sage

Pineapple sage

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