Highs and Lows

March 14, 2012 § Leave a comment

High: starting the day with a protein soy chai latte drink

Low:eating dark chocolate chips by the tablespoonfuls at work

High: drinking water while at work

Low: scavenging excess chocolate chips from the cupcake trays at work

High: not eating a whole cupcake today                               

Low: falling victim to the teeny bag of honey grahams at grocery store

High:lunching on a tasty spaghetti squash medley

Low: noshing on trail mix that included chocolate chips

High: not snacking for a solid 2 hours                                 

Low: then snacking for a good 30 minutes

High: making sauteed salmon with brown sugar mustard glaze to go along with a health-nutty slaw if ever there was one for dinner

At least I ended on a high note.


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